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iMed Conference® 11.0 | Workshops October 17th


NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas


Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 1:30 PM →
Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 8:00 PM

About this event

What’s the best way to learn? To get your hands on the matter and learn through experience!

This is why our Workshops are a crucial part of our congress, they allow you to go beyond theory and get a closer look at what to expect in several different areas!

By purchasing your iMed Conference ticket you are entitled to participate in 2 Workshops (1 per day), which will take place solely during the afternoon, enabling you to engage in different areas!

Improve your skills, learn new ones and discover other interests, all while having fun!


Outras Atividades - No limits in options


NOVA Medical Simulation Centre - NOVA MedSim — 3rd Floor


Sold out


ATTENTION: This workshop requires a security deposit of 5€, which will be returned after confirmation of attendance. Handling a critical patient in the Emergency Department, (or in any other setting, for the matter) will definitely be one of the biggest challenges facing any young doctor. The rush for an effective intervention when time is short demands a set of fundamental skills any medical student should master! In this Workshop you will learn how to handle a patient in critical condition by practicing with training models, divided into four major domains: Observation (image but not only Imagiology), Respiratory Failure identification, Shock treatment and Vital Signs interpretation. Specialized doctors will guide you through some important “do’s and dont’s” when it comes to saving lives on the clock. Enter a whole new mindset and learn what the best do at handling the worst-case scenario. “CRITIC” is a practical course on management and interventions on the critical patient, totally developed at Nova Medical School to be part of the core curriculum of the Medicine course. Language: Portuguese


NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas — S1.02


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As a medical student, mastering thoracic clinical examination is a crucial and universally required skill. Firstly, you will learn the fundamentals and all the tips to perform a successful thoracic examination. Then, you will get the opportunity to apply your new knowledge and practice in pulmonary and cardiac auscultation models. After this workshop, you will never miss a heart murmur ever again! Language: Portuguese


Hospital Santo António dos Capuchos — Echocardiography Department


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Are you fascinated by the human heart but always struggling to understand anything when you see your patients echocardiograms? Don’t worry - this is the workshop for you! This Masterclass gives you the opportunity to truly understand the principles and technique behind the echocardiography and to put them into practice during 2 hours of hands-on experience guided by our amazing experts who will teach you all the tricks. Furthermore, you will have the chance to learn about FOCUS – a life-saving procedure fundamental to every doctor! Challenge yourself to be a master of the heart! Language: Portuguese


NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas — S2.01 + S2.04


There is one seat


ATTENTION: This workshop requires a security deposit of 5€, which will be returned after confirmation of attendance. Imagiology doesn’t always need to be about X-rays, CT-scans or MRIs. In fact, the future of Imagiology rests upon multiple diagnostic and therapeutic approaches that range from Emergency Ultrasound to Interventional Radiology. In this workshop, we invite you to come explore this future! First, you will get the chance to learn about Emergency Ultrasonography and how you can apply ultrasound to diagnose and manage patients when every second counts. Afterwards, you will discover the world of Interventional Radiology and its essential role in oncology, allowing for fascinating procedures such as image-guided biopsies and percutaneous tumoral ablations. But there’s more - you will get the chance to grab the ultrasound and practice some of these techniques yourself as you try to perform biopsies in real liver models under ultrasound guidance! Don’t miss this unique opportunity! Language: Portuguese


NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas — E2.02


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The brain is made up of about 100 billion neurons - the number of permutations and combinations of brain activity exceeding the number of elementary particles in the universe. In all this, there are a number of things that could go wrong. Gladly, there are mystery solvers who can diagnose the problem – neurologists and neuroradiologists. During this workshop, you will get the chance to perfect your neurological examination skills as well as explore the exciting world of interventional radiology. Join our amazing team in this amazing workshop and get ready to untangle any neurological clinical case! Language: Portuguese


NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas — S2.09


There is one seat


Cardiac and pulmonary auscultation are crucial skills for any medical student - the stethoscope is a window for the human body and the most important piece of diagnostic equipment you can use. In this workshop, you will get to train with an online platform that mimics the auscultatory manifestations of cardiac and pulmonary disease based on dynamic and interactive clinical cases. Join us and become the master of one of the most important skills in medical practice! ATTENTION: All participants must bring their own set of headphones. For more information email workshops@imedconference.org. Language: English or Portuguese


NOVA Medical Simulation Centre - NOVA MedSim — 3rd Floor


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As a medical student, it’s no question that you should be familiar with clinical skills as essential as urinary catheterization and peripheral intravenous catheter insertion and management. These, however, are unfortunately not skills you will often get the chance to practice in your clinical internships. That’s why we prepared this workshop for you - you will have the opportunity to learn the basics of these techniques and be guided while you practice them in high fidelity simulation models. Join us in this workshop - and feel more confident when you’re asked to perform these techniques! Language: Portuguese


NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas — Sala de Estudo (Edifício Escolar)


There are 3 seats available


Your musculoskeletal system allows you to walk, run, dance and practice your favourite sports - but between joints, muscles and nerves many things can go wrong. In this workshop, you’ll take a deep dive into musculoskeletal pathology and the ultrasound-guided interventions available to fix them. Then you’ll get the chance to take the ultrasound into your own hands and train the different procedures, guided by our trainers! Join us and become an expert in all the different kinds of approaches in musculoskeletal pathology! Language: English or Portuguese


NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas — S0.02 + S0.Lab1


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Being able to perform basic sutures is a cornerstone of medical practice and is a skill that every medical student should master during their studies. In this workshop, you will get a comprehensive view of the suturing technique - from asepsis and local anaesthesia to the different types of sutures and knots. Most importantly, you will get to practice it by yourself under the guidance of our incredible trainer! We will provide some realistic models in which you can train interrupted, continuous and intradermic sutures. Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your surgical skills! Language: Portuguese or English


NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas — S2.11


There is one seat


It is common sense that all patients deserve the best medical care. But how can you provide it if you can’t communicate with your patient? Unfortunately, this is what often happens when hearing-impaired patients seek medical care. In this workshop, you will learn how to use Portuguese Sign Language to effectively communicate with your hearing-impaired patients in a clinical setting. Join us and become a better doctor for ALL your patients! Language: Portuguese


Hospital Dona Estefânia — Paediatric Simulation Centre


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Paediatric emergencies - do you know how to react? As a future doctor you should be prepared to deal with these terrifying situations. In this workshop, you will get the opportunity to learn from Basic to Advanced Life Support and practice in cutting-edge simulators where you will gain the best insight on how to act when a child is in a life-threatening situation. Remember, our future starts with our children - join us and learn how to save their lives! Language: English or Portuguese


Hospital Santo António dos Capuchos — Ophtalmology Department


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Did ophthalmology catch your eye? Are you looking forward to becoming an ophthalmologist? In this workshop, you will become a pro in ophthalmological examination from theory to practice. From the basic physical eye examination to using the challenging slit lamp you will get the chance to experience it all. Join us and maybe you’ll learn other great ophthalmology puns! Language: Portuguese


NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas — Teatro Anatómico


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Minimally invasive surgery is becoming more and more the standard of the surgery universe - it allows safer, faster and less painful recovery after surgery. But laparoscopic techniques represent a new challenge for the surgeon, requiring extra coordination and spatial perception. In this workshop, you will have the unprecedented opportunity to train this unique set of skills on cadavers under the guidance of experts in the area. Whether you’re already familiar with the fundamentals of laparoscopy or you just learned them on our “Laparoscopic Surgery - Basics” workshop - don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance! Language: English or Portuguese


NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas — S2.05


Sold out


Are you fascinated by the world of Ears, Nose and Throat but unsure if you’re actually able to assess them in your physical examination? This workshop is for you! Starting with the basics, you will have the opportunity to learn about some important techniques and to observe a brief demonstration. Afterwards, it will be all about hands-on! With the help of our amazing instructors, you will practice the manoeuvres of the ENT examination, such as Otoscopy, DixHallpike manoeuvre and Head impulse test. Get ready to become an Ears, Nose and Throat specialist! Language: English or Portuguese


NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas — S1.03


There are 2 seats available


There is much more to your skin than what you might think - afterall, it is the largest organ in the human body, with 15% of your body weight and about 300 million cells! However, as a medical student, your short stay in the dermatology department usually only gives you a glimpse into this fascinating specialty. In this workshop, you will get the opportunity to finally become skilled in the dermatological examination. First, you will learn a systematic approach that will guide you through any skin lesion and then you will be able to put this approach into practice. Guided by our trainer and with a dermoscope in hand, you will be able to analyse your (and your colleagues’) skin! Join us as you discover the mysteries your skin holds! Language: Portuguese


NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas — E2.01


Sold out


Technology is a product of our brain - but now it’s giving back, as it aids us to unravel evermore skills performed by this mysterious organ! Among all the possibilities we have to understand our brain’s functioning, Deep Brain Stimulation has got to be one of the most exciting, which is why iMed is providing YOU with “Brain Invaders - Deep Brain Stimulation” Workshop! In this workshop, you will get the chance to discover the amazing possibilities DBS has to improve our lives, jolt by jolt - all while exploring its practical applications in Medtronic’s interactive software. Join us in this cutting-edge workshop and dare to explore the neural universe with this mesmerising Workshop! Language: English or Portuguese


NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas — Cave - Edifício Escolar


There are 2 seats available


Do you dream of being a paediatrician since you were a little kid? Do you already know everything about runny noses and stomach aches and would like to complement your knowledge in this area? If that is your case, this is THE workshop for you! Firstly, we will talk about teenagers. Do you know how to approach your patients in this convoluted phase of their lives? In this workshop, you will learn all the tools to deal with these rebellious patients and then get the chance to put your new skills into practice with real teenagers. Language: Portuguese Afterwards, with the helping hand of Clown Doctors in hospitals, you’ll understand why medicine can be summarized in COM-HUMAN-ICATION and, as FUN-damental aspects of the communication process and HUMAN relations are illustrated, you’ll be inspired to use these means to build bridges and learn the ART of practicing medicine!


NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas — S1.06


There are 4 seats available


Did you know that doctors not only prescribe medication, but also physical exercise and nutritional advice? And that sometimes those are the most important? As sports are increasingly a part of everyone’s lives, your patients will need more advice on how to adapt their exercise and diet to improve not only their physical performance but also their health. If you are passionate about sports and high performance and want to be able to guide your patients in this challenge - this workshop is perfect for you! In this workshop, you will get to learn all about the importance of exercise and nutrition on health, disease, rehabilitation, training and performance. Join us in this marathon of nutrients!! Language: Portuguese

Prices per participant

iMed Conference® 11.0 | Workshops October 17th


CRITIC [Year of Studies: 5th - 6th]

+ 5 €

Murmur Has It - Thoracic Evaluation [Year of Studies: 3rd - 6th]


Echocardiography Masterclass [Year of Studies: 4th - 6th]


Seeing Through You - Imagiology [Year of Studies: 3rd - 6th]

+ 5 €

No-Brainer – Clinical & Interventional Neurology [Year of Studies: 3rd - 6th]


Get It Off Your Chest – Auscultation [Year of Studies: 2nd - 4th]


CatheterizACTION - Urinary and Peripheral Intravenous Catheterization [Year of Studies: 1st - 2nd]


Bend the Knee - Ultrasound-guided procedures in Musculoskeletal Pathology [Year of Studies: 1st - 5th]


Stitching the future by Johnson [Year of Studies: 1st - 6th]


Talking Hands - Portuguese Sign Language [Year of Studies: 2nd - 6th]


Little Patients - Paediatric Emergencies [Year of Studies: 2nd - 6th]


Look Into My Eyes - Ophtalmology [Year of Studies: 2nd - 6th]


Laparoscopic Surgery - Advanced [Year of Studies: 5th - 6th]


Ears, Nose and Throat [Year of Studies: 4th - 6th]


Another Look On Our Skin - Dermatology [Year of Studies: 2nd - 5th]


Brain Invaders - Deep Brain Stimulation by Medtronic [Year of Studies: 3rd - 6th]


Growing Up - Caring for Children and Teens [Year of Studies: 2nd - 6th]


Eat and Run - Nutrition and Sports [Year of Studies: 1st - 3rd]
